Rikki West
Rikki West enjoyed a career in Silicon Valley during the 1980’s rise of computers. A working mother, avid truth seeker, and Berkeley-trained scientist, Rikki spent decades trying to reconcile scientific explanations of biological life (an atom-centric model) with the daily reality of experiencing thoughts and perceptions. After exploring the spiritual traditions available on the West Cost, she almost gave up. One adventure at a time, she found her way to a peace and beauty that changed all the questions. She lives in the rolling hills outside Santa Fe with her wife Jill and an old Yamaha.
Her first book, Rootlines, a memoir of family healing, was published by She Writes Press in 2020.
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please reach out to me at rikki@rikkiwest.com.

Coming January 2025
Released January 14, 2025
This fast-paced adventure combines the drama of a personal memoir with the philosophical and spiritual insights of a Zen student, offering thought-provoking yet relatable content for readers interested in self-knowledge.
From a Catholic childhood in suburban Chicago to a fast-paced career in Silicon Valley as an out lesbian, Rikki West tells a vibrant tale of self-discovery, confronting hidden assumptions and childhood trauma on her way to finding her life’s undeniable, living truth.
For those who couldn’t get through Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
For anyone affected by intergenerational trauma
For LGBTQ+ readers in search of representation
For anyone in recovery
For exhausted spiritual seekers